Mozart Madness Is Here!!
Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart. Whew, that was a mouthful! Mozart is the second famous composer in our Master's...

Let's Talk Turkey....5 Ways to sneak practice into a too busy schedule.
Is your child crazy busy now that school is in full swing? Of course they are!! When their schedule is crazier then usual try these 5...

Boost Your Brain Power....Play An Instrument
Published on Jul 22, 2014 View full lesson: When you listen to music, multiple areas of your...
Music Lesson Benefit Your Brain
Published on Feb 5, 2014 Linda Ciampa reports on new research that shows a few years of music lessons as a child, benefit the brain for...
Science Just Discovered Something Amazing About What Childhood Piano Lessons Did to You
By Tom Barnes January 08, 2015 If your parents forced you to practice your scales by saying it would "build character," they were onto...

Starting out right....important things to know.
My students are used to me asking questions at the beginning of each lesson. By humoring me they are telling me more then they think. ...

Silly Finger Fun
Many children enter kindergarten not knowing how to hold a pencil correctly. Fine motor skills are taught in their early school years. ...

8 Ways To Fill Up Your Child's Practice Tank
Try these 8 ideas to add some gas to your child's practice time. I was a homeschool mom for 12 years of my daughter's (plural) education....

Surprise Me Day
I have found that teaching students how to learn is more important then teaching them how to play a particular song. I homeschooled both...

Get them off the bench...
We believe in getting kids off the bench and into the game. Not the kind of game you're thinking of. We use music games to get our...