The Barn is Middletown's
largest music studio, located in the heart of town.
We are looking forward to working with you!
What we we hope to accomplish.
I am excited to introduce Premium Piano Classes here on the Farm. A Premium Piano Class is an hour lesson shared with 2 other students. The students rotate through the lesson, spending 20 minutes with the teacher privately, 20 minutes working on music theory and 20 minutes at a second piano reviewing and practicing, leaving a little time at the end to perform for each other or play a group piano game.
Our teachers find that in a 30 minute lesson they don’t always have enough time to do theory, technique, site reading and reinforce the songs the students are learning. We are all looking to achieve the best results we can for the investment. Premium Piano Classes will do just that. The tuition rate will remain the same, while the results will greatly increase. Students will make new friends and have weekly performance opportunities, while not giving up one-on-one time with their teacher. We have space to offer 3 to 4 Premium Piano Classes each hour. If this is something you would like for your child please call for open times and to schedule your child's lesson.